ATTN: Beginning, intermediate and advanced health and fitness professionals
Group Exercise Specialist Workshop

Wednesday August 7th, 2024

9am - 5pm

Orlando, FL

Orlando Convention Center

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At This Special FAI Event You'll Learn... 
Perform and interpret data from functional fitness assessments that can be used for sales consults, program design and tracking progress
Utilize a wide variety of innovative exercise strategies and techniques from the Functional Aging Training™ model to improve all aspects of function that are critical to aging

Perform functional exercise movements using minimal equipment that don’t aggravate existing conditions


Develop functionally-based exercise programs for a wide variety of ages (55+) and abilities (frail to athletic) that are both safe, effective and enjoyable


Prepare your clients for functional exercises using movement preparation routines rather than basic cardio warm-ups


Improve flexibility in areas that are vital for continued physical function

The FUNCTIONAL AGING Group Exercise Specialist Certification Qualifies for CEUs

Upon completion of the online course you will receive an additional 12-16 CEUs depending on the organization.

The FAI Functional Aging Group Exercise Specialist is the complete certification program for the serious fitness professional who is ready to become an expert in functional aging and training of older adults.  You will receive in-depth training on functional training strategies and movements; how to conduct meaningful assessments of function; how to create and develop effective exercise programs; and critical skills to be an effective professional with this client base.

You do not need to be a Certified Personal Trainer from another organization to take this course.  Whether you have been in the industry for years, or this is your first certification, this Specialist will prepare you to be the local go-to expert on training mature clients.  There is not another certification in the fitness industry that utilizes the Functional Aging Training Model for how to approach training for the mature population. This will be the credential of choice for years to come for those specializing in the 50+ market.

Simply fill out the form below to enroll for the course which will be delivered to you online (study at your own pace). Upon completion of the study material you’ll sit through a timed online testing phase. Upon completion and passing of the test you’ll be given a certification and the ability to use Functional Aging Group Exercise Specialist™ in your title and marketing material.

The Functional Aging Group Exercise Specialist Certification Qualifies for CEUs

Upon completion of the online course you will receive an additional 12-16 CEUs depending on the organization.

The FAI Functional Aging Group Exercise Specialist is the complete certification program for the serious fitness professional who is ready to become an expert in functional aging and training of older adults.  You will receive in-depth training on functional training strategies and movements; how to conduct meaningful assessments of function; how to create and develop effective exercise programs; and critical skills to be an effective professional with this client base.

You do not need to be a Certified Personal Trainer from another organization to take this course.  Whether you have been in the industry for years, or this is your first certification, this Specialist will prepare you to be the local go-to expert on training mature clients.  There is not another certification in the fitness industry that utilizes the Functional Aging Training Model for how to approach training for the mature population. This will be the credential of choice for years to come for those specializing in the 50+ market.

Simply fill out the form below to enroll for the course which will be delivered to you online (study at your own pace). Upon completion of the study material you’ll sit through a timed online testing phase. Upon completion and passing of the test you’ll be given a certification and the ability to use Functional Aging Group Exercise Specialist™ in your title and marketing material.

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Functional Aging Institute © 2023
